The gift of the Magi- O. Henry

Ahilya Trivedi
1 min readJun 11, 2021



Jim and Della Dillingham Young lived in a small apartment. They were quite poor. The two most prized possessions of the house were Della’s long hair and Jim’s golden watch, which was passed down to him from his forefathers. It was Christmas and Della didn’t have enough money to buy a present for her husband. Della sold her beautiful hair, and with the money, she bought a chain to go with Jim’s golden watch. On Christmas evening when Jim came home he looked troubled to see that Della’s hair was gone. As soon as Della opened the gift given to her by Jim she saw that inside were the beautiful wooden combs she had once seen in a shop and wanted so much. She reassured Jim that as soon as her hair grew she would use the combs. Then she gave Jim his present. When he saw that it was a chain for his watch, he laughed and said that he had sold his watch to get the combs for her.

