The Count and The wedding guest

Ahilya Trivedi
2 min readMay 6, 2022




Photo by Todd Thompson on Unsplash

The days were long and sad. My whole world was in a jumble. Two days ago I got a telegram saying my fiance who was in Italy had been murdered, and the police were investigating the scene. I had a whole plan, that I would get married and lead a happy life with Count Mazzini. But that plan was in ruins. And Count Mazzini (my fiance) was gone. I am living in a boarding house, and I work as a cashier in a candy store. As I went for dinner I was introduced to Mr.Donovan, a new boarding guest. A few days later I went to Italy where my fiance’s funeral was being held. I was sitting among all the other people, waiting to give my respects. As the coffin came into view, my eyes fell upon the chalk-white face of Count Mazzini. I sucked in my breath sharply and looked away. I returned to my boarding house the next morning. my world had not changed. I did my job and at the end of the day, I came out of the boarding house to sit and stare at the sky. There I saw Mr.Donovan. We talked and I told him all my miseries. Then every evening we would meet there and talk. Slowly I grew fond of him, he had been the only one for me in such a big city. A month later we got engaged. Our wedding was to be in May. We were sitting on a bench planning our wedding when I thought of Count Mazzini…..a guilty feeling crept into my head. As if I had deserted him. My wedding day was perfect, everything was going well and I hadn't even thought of Count Mazzini. I was walking down the aisle when something white caught my eye on the left. To my horror, I saw the marble-white face of Count Mazzini smiling at me from the first row of benches. A scream escaped my throat.

